It has been 9 weeks since the "transition" to the new government in Pakistan, led by Nawaz Sharif. within these 9 weeks, 900 people have died because of his, his governments and the parliaments (national and regional) incapability and carelessness to prevent it. Terrorism, poverty, kidnappings, tribal violence, domestic abuse, insecurity, instability, high inflation, sorrow, death, destruction, death and more deaths. The government has failed! It has no action plan to stop terrorism, no idea on how to figure out the countrywide electrical and gas shortages. What have the achieved? The "mandate" they were "brought in" for, they have stated that they cannot achieve. They promised within 3 months they would create enough electricity for everyone, but, now said that they cannot do that within 3 years. They said they will expel terrorism and terrorists, yet they continue to harbour them just like the previous regime did. Has anyone wondered why they always cover the faces of "caught" terrorists, while the Western world plasters their faces across the front covers of newspapers? These then "caught" criminals are not even taken to trial, and even if they are, they are then released freely, to go and pursue more acts of promoting more bloodshed and destruction towards the people. Who makes these laws? In reality the law is there, look at the Constitution Articles 3, 6 and 32 and 35 - 38, and one can clearly see that the country was founded on the basis of comapassion to all, where did that go? When did exploitation come in? When did bloodshed come in? Whose to blame, the corrupted rulers, or the people who let them exploit them?
These deaths will continue and this condition will continue, until the People take a stand. Pakistan is a country but not a Nation. When it once again becomes a Nation, it will change it's murky destructive future, to a one of hope and betterment. A future where dreams come true. A future where everyone feels safe and secure in their own country.
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